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Taskbar is the left side ribbon/menu that contains a few of the most useful operations you might need during your Application Modelling.

Icon Button Description Shortcut
zappdev Toggle Taskbar Autohide Enable/Disable autohide of the taskbar -
myApps My Applications Lead to Control Panel -
Explore Explore Show/Hide Navigator -
Search Search Open Search box CTRL + P
New New Open Add new model window CTRL + Insert
Validate Validate Validate all models CTRL + Shift + E
Build Build Build the application CTRL + Shift + B
Run Run Run the application Alt + R
DevOps Environments Configuration Options related to the various deployment environments -
Git Git Commit changes or Update your application -
UploadDownload Upload or Download Upload, download models or manage modules -
AppLogs App Logs View application logs -
Tools Tools Various developer tools including Rebuild, Deploy, access to database etc. CTRL + Alt + Shift + B for Rebuild
ShowShortcuts Show Shortcuts View Shortcuts and other Help options -

My Applications myApps

This item navigates you to the Control Panel.


If you visit the Control Panel, your current project will remain open. However, it will be closed as soon as you open a different Project.

To return to your current project use the back-arrow button GoBack

Explore Explore

Toggles the visibility of the Navigator - the panel that presents you with a visual and hierarchical representation of your whole Project.

It can become easily obvious that the larger your Application, the harder it is to find symbols, such as objects and members. In order to to help you easily find any needle in your Application's haystack, the Symbol Search offers you features for Search and Navigation throughout your whole Application scope.

As soon as you start typing the term you are searching for, suggestions will pop up rapidly detecting any Operation, Class, Member, Resource, Form, Control, Action etc. even in the darkest corners of your Application that you can then click on to be automatically navigated to their place within the Project.


New New

The New button allows you to add any type of Model into your Application. All you have to do after clicking it is:

  • Select the type of Model you want to add (e.g. Business Objects Model, Form Model, etc.)
  • Fill in some required (per Model) fields
  • Click Ok to create your Model

Validate Validate

This item lets you validate all the models of your Application. The results will be presented in the Console, where you can easily check any possible errors and/or warnings.

Build Build

Build your solution. As with the Validation, the build progress will appear in the Console, where you will be able to see messages, warnings, errors as well as the status of the Building Process.

As soon as the Build Process is finished, you will be informed of its outcome with a notification.

Run Run

Runs your Application, in a new browser tab.


Make sure to successfully Build your project, before running your Applicatio, in order for your changes to be applied.

Git Git

The Git item opens a Version Control menu that you can use to either Update your project or Commit your changes.



The Commit operation can be used to save the changes of your local working copy into the shared Application.


Using this button you commit all pending models. If you want to commit a particular model you have to do it from Navigator:

  • Right-click on a model
  • Hover on Version Control...
  • Click on Commit...


The Update operation updates your local, working copy by capturing all changes made by other users developing the same Application.

This way all users work collaboratively on the same application and stay in sync.


You must update your working copy first, before committing your changes

You can resolve possible conflicts in Navigator.

Upload or Download UploadDownload

The Upload or Download item opens a menu that you can use to Upload, Download and Manage Modules.


Upload Models

Allows you to Upload Models into your open Application, using either a file selector or by dragging and dropping from your workspace.


As soon as you Upload a new Model, it will be yours to use, change and/or extend.


If a Model with the same name as the one you are Uploading already exists in your Project, your Upload process will fail.

In such cases and if you want to overwrite the model(s), check the Overwrite Existing Models option.

Download Models

Allows you to Download all or some of your Models, in the form of a zip file.



Later on you can share your zip or any of its files with another user, that will be able to upload it/them into his/her Application.

Manage Modules

Allows you to preview all zAppDev Modules with regards to your Application: view whether a new Module exists or not, update a Module, check their Versions and even add a new one.


App Logs

This item opens your Application Logs. Basically, anything that your Application logs either automatically or due to a DebugLib.Logger.WriteInfoLine("Successfully saved the Product"); -type command will be available in the App Logs blade.

Feel free to refresh your log, in order to view any possibly new messages, expand the window or set it in a full-screen mode for better experience.



The Tools menu item includes some of the most useful operations with regards to your Application:

  • Rebuild All
  • Deploy
  • Export Domain Model
  • Database
  • Source Code
  • App Data
  • Published Versions
  • Download Solution

Read more for Tools

Show Shortcuts

Opens a blade with some useful shortcuts, documentation and tutorials. A description of the available items can be summarized as follows:

Item Description Example
Workspace Shortcuts A list of useful shortcuts ShortcutExample
Live Help If checked, adds live pop-ups onto your Workspace that provide useful information about the properties, items, panels etc. of the Workspace LiveHelpExample
Documentation Opens a new browser window/tab containing the documentation you are now reading
Tutorials Starts a Live Tutorial that walks you through zAppDev and its features, with regards to the Tutorial you chose. LiveTutorial

Environments Configuration

Opens a modal that allows you to define options related to the various deployment environments. You may add as many environments as you wish and handle them independently in terms of configuration and deployment.

Read more for the deployment process here.

Adding an Environment

To add a new Environment, simply click the Add New Model Item button, on the bottom of the list to the left.


By default, there is only one environment: Development. For this environment only Configuration section is available.

Saving changes

To save any changes to the Environments Configuration, click the diskette icon img, on the top right of the modal.


In this section you may set properties regarding the Deployment Environment.


Default Options

Here is a brief description of the configuration options available by default:

Option Description
Name The environment name
Build Mode Application Build Mode
Deployment Method The method used to deploy the application (File System or FTP)
DB Connection Datasource The Datasource part of the Database connection string
DB Connection Initial Catalog The Initial Catalog part of the Database connection string
DB Connection User Id The UserId part of the Database connection string
DB Connection Password The Password part of the Database connection string
FTP Options

Here is a brief description of the configuration options available when FTP Deployment Method is selected:

Option Description
FTP Host Address The FTP server host address
FTP Connection User Name Your FTP User name
FTP Connection Password Your FTP password
FTP Destination Directory The target directory in the FTP Server
FTP Port Number The FTP server port number

Environment Settings


Main Settings

In this section you can set values for the application settings. The available settings depend on the Configuration Model. For more details on these settings, refer to this.

Here is a brief description of the default settings, common to all applications:

Option Description
Email Host Address Email Host Address used to send emails
Email Password Email Account Password
Email Username Email Account Username
Email From Account Email Account Address
Email Port Email Account port
RabbitMQ Connection

zAppDev applications support advanced logging through a sophisticated module based on RabbitMQ, a well known message broker. To enable this module, enter your RabbitMQ connection and queue details.

Read more for RabbitMQ message broker here.

Here is a brief description of RabbitMQ connection settings:

Option Description
Host The RabbitMQ server host address
Port The RabbitMQ server port number
VHost The RabbitMQ Virtual Host name
Username Your RabbitMQ connection username
Password Your RabbitMQ connection password
Queue The Queue name that will be used for logging
Exchange The name of the Exchange where the logging Queue is bound to
Routing Key The routing key that the Exchange uses to route the log message to the Queue
Other Settings

This section exposes various settings concerning the generated application:

Option Description
Disable Access Log If true, access log will be disabled throughout your application
Seed Security Tables If true, Roles & Permissions data that is persisted to the Database will be updated based on your models
Zip Web Requests If true, the requests performed by the clients using the application will be zipped before being sent to the server
Redis Server Connection Details

zAppDev applications support advanced caching through a sophisticated module based on Redis, a well known in-memory data structure store. To enable this module, check the 'Use Redis' option and enter your Redis connection details.

A complete zAppDev caching reference can be found here.

Read more for Redis Server here.

Option Description
Use Redis If true, enables Redis caching
Host Address The Redis server host address
Port Number The Redis server port number
Allow Admin If true, Redis connection is established supporting commands that are considered risky
Password The Redis server password
Use SSL If true, SSL encryption is used
SSL Host Address Enforces a particular SSL host identity on the server’s certificate



In this section you are presented with a list containing the deployments history for the selected environment.

Here is brief description of the list columns:

Item Description
Version The Application Version used for the deployment
Date Finished The exact Date and Time when the deployment process completed
Duration (sec) The duration of the deployment process in seconds
Status The result of the deployment process
img Click this to download the deployed application
img Click this to download a solution containing the code of the deployed application
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