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The Roles configuration section allows you to define all the Roles available for your Application. These Roles can be then used in any part of your Application, either in a standalone mode or extending the Permissions of a user, to add a Role-Based Access Control.

For example, you can use your defined roles

  • inside your Form Models to add Role-Based Access Controls to whole pages, specific controller actions and/or operations and logic
  • in Business Objects Operations, to define how they will be fetched or saved based on the specified Access Controls
  • and any place else you need to restrict the access to your data and operations

Adding Roles

To add a new Role, click on the You can add Controller Actions by clicking on the Add New Model Item button. Next,

  • Give this Role a Unique name
  • Add a Description so that the other members of your Team understand more about this Role
  • Assign one or more Permissions under this Role, so that everything that is allowed by the Permission, be allowed to the Role as well

Example of Roles in a Music Store

In the example presented above, three roles have been added: Administrator, Clerk and Customer.

The Administrator is then assigned numerous Managerial Permissions, allowing him/her to execute operations and access data restricted by the latter.


As soon as you have defined a set of Roles, you can use them in any Model you like. Unlike the Permissions that can be selected as Authorization Restrictions of specific Controller Actions in a Form Model (e.g. see here TODO), the Roles of a User are available only via Mamba.

To check whether a User has a specific role or not, using Mamba, you can access his/her object using the Domain.ApplicationUser class like this:

    Domain.ApplicationUser user; 

Example of Roles in a Conditional Formatting

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